Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Rise of the Toads

First thing first the painting here is "Toads" by Andrew Livingston that was Inspired by the song: Toads of the Short Forest.

My office seems be the short forest. Particularly so in the mornings, when two of the legendary toads vent their vocal chords out. Day after day, with their verbal chants that make me remember toads, I begin my days. Realization that I have reached the office dawns only with their croaking voices that debate the philosophy of accounting treatments. After a fierce battle of words that no one eventually wins, the toads hibernate. The thinner but hoarser toad goes out to the world and the fatter but softer toad remains indoors quietly belly-rubbing. I hated this daily routine earlier, till the time I actually began to enjoy. Now I notice rhythm in their voices. Soft then softer followed by hoarse, hoarser and hoarsest, followed by hoarsest, hoarse and soft. The pitches remind me of the Mumbai fast trains when they leave a platform and then approach the next. The voices stop intermittently when the phone rings and one of the toads attends the call and the other ruminates, even though ruminating is not in the nature of toads. That’s when I hate the phones.

After the inconclusive battle gets postponed for the next day, everyone takes sigh of relief but for me. I sigh of frustration and agony. The concert gets over too soon and leaves me wanting for more. Nonetheless, fun is fun, however short. And soulful toad croaking is good to make your day, even if you have it for just a few minutes. May the toads continue their journey of noise unabated!