Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Wedding Gift

Reward of our patience,
And of waiting unto our Lord,
Praise be to Him in the highest,
For we are joined in love forever.

Graceful, You are!
Grateful, we are!
Worthy, You are!
Thankful, we are!

Cherished companion for life and beyond,
And of blooming relation in one accord,
Praise be to Him in the highest,
For we are blessed by His favour.

Graceful, You are!
Grateful, we are!
Worthy, You are!
Thankful, we are!

Shared future in the glory of God,
And of walking hand in hand together,
Praise be to Him in the highest,
For His love for us is ever greater.

Graceful, You are!
Grateful, we are!
Worthy, You are!
Thankful, we are!


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