Thursday, October 30, 2008

Selfless Love

I had an important realization that I can sleep over tonight. I know that every man has been through the similar grind in life but nobody quite likes being there. Someday or the other I can’t help thinking that the very purpose of my life has become to please all while never being able to successfully do that how much ever I try. Results of these are the unnerving series of complaints from all corners. There are no exceptions, anyone and everyone who has anything to do with you will complain about how you have never quite matched their expectations. They will grumble how you fail them time and again. Seldom would anyone look at your toil and your burdens. Nobody would like to believe that it takes a life to meet their little demands. Even greater frustration downs when you know that there is none truly to share the heartburns. When your head is hung low and you seem lost, it is then that this realization downs upon you.

My God has done everything perfect according to His plans and purpose in my life. He has loved me and faithfully taken care of me, and always guided, protected, fed, and even served me, and called me His own son, all this when I do not even acknowledge His mercies and grace. He has my name written on His palm. He has been my shelter and my tower of strength. Have I ever complained to Him? Yes, a countless times. Something amiss and I will begin grumbling and murmuring, not knowing at times if indeed I required that missing something. How would my God react to these? I do know that my God has enormous patience and enormous love for me and that He never stops giving me all that I never deserve. The same is the reason why He never quits being my Father.

So then loving is something I must learn from my illustrious Father. Love in action is what my God personifies and does everything for me for His love for me. If I love the people around me, I must learn to do the best I can do for them without expecting them to pay back or even acknowledge. Well, then I will indeed glorify His name.

(The flower in picture is from the backyard of Stanchart Tower in Jakarta, which spreads its beauty without knowing whose soul it has just lightened.)