Saturday, January 16, 2010

Farewell to the old and welcome to the new

This is already the end of second week of January when I still write 2009 in the date column. It takes time to bid farewell to the old. Particulalrly when one is in one's comfort zone. With the new challenges of new job, new place, new colleagues and new projects looming large over the horizon, I need to adapt sooner to the new.

The new year resolutions are difficult to implement through the year and hence, I had stopped making these. But I guess, this time of the year, I must make a few of them and pray that Jesus strengthens me to abide by them. So, my resolutions for the year are:

1) I will do everything to please God. I will derive happiness through Godly means alone.

2) My family will be my priority next only to God.

3) I will have compassion for people who are unsaved.

4) I will utilize all God-given gifts to work well.

5) I will fast for at least a day a week and will pray for others.

6) I will not procrastinate. No postponing of essential works how much ever mundane they may be.

Now I am posting these so that I can gauge my performance against these standards every day I check my blog. These have been the areas of concern in my life, for which I have some times paid a price. I need to let the old habits die and embrace a new way of life.

I will write my performance report on this site next January. Hopefully a good one. Amen.
(The picture is from the Christmas party Supriya and I hosted at home for our colleagues.)