Bambi gave me a gift for Fathers' Day
The message on the occasion in the New Life Assembly of God Church was apt. A father is expected to play the roles of a priest – for leading children to God; prophet – to deliver God’s words to children; protector – to shield children from evil; and a provider – of needs of children.
A father can give gift of time to children. In the current times, this may mean ascribing lower priorities to personal ambitions and fun. Well, this fun is the fun in the worldly sense. My view is that being with kids is always so much fun that no worldly fun can ever match its intensity and longevity.
A father can give gift of Godly knowledge and influence to children. For kids, a father is tangible whereas God is not. The father therefore has to lead the children to God who is invisible. Through his devotion, faith and prayers, a father has to lead children to God.
A father can give to children gift of good marriage to children’s mother. God’s love is always manifested in a marriage and more so for children who learn to love and respect from their parents. In the current times when broken marriages are no longer a rarity, a father can provide a balanced and Godly view of relationships to children through a successful marriage.
A father can give to children a gift of a model to follow. Children do not what we tell them but what they see us doing. So, by being a good role model for children a father can lead by example.
A father can give to children a gift of discipline. In this world of chaos and of breaking-free culture, discipline alone can help avoid the traps of satanic forces. Discipline should be considered in the wider sense of discipleship of God and obeying all of His commandments.
Well, not a very tall order for fathers to follow, given that the strength, knowledge and guidance to keep on track also come from the same God. I pray to Him to let His presence abide with me.
Bambi gave me a father’s day gift. We reached church just in time and the service had just begun. Before the message the pastor wanted to know who the youngest father in the congregation was. Well, youngest didn’t mean the lowest age of the father but a father with youngest baby present in the church. It so happened that Bambi being just three months, I qualified in the criteria. I scampered my way to the dais with Bambi in my arms. She was flashed on all the screens dressed in her halter neck green and white stripped frock merrily sucking her index and middle fingers and looking curiously all around. Pastor announced that Bambi had won me a prize and gave me a necktie. So, Bambi earned this prize and gifted to me. This will be me my most cherished gift – first gift from my baby.
You can see in the picture the necktie.
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