Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Wife Kicks and Bangs

My wife paunces and roars at meekly me,
And enjoys the most her claws in my butt game,
Her deep eyes of fire will go narrow or wide,
Intimidate they me as she knows how to tame.

She prods in her herd of royals in her empire,
With me tied to her tail that I wag with,
And like a cat doing the dead mouse disco,
She pops in air my heart to spend her leisure with.

In typical cowboy movie style she rattles her gun,
And meow I do in the raining canon balls,
With tail between the legs and tongue dropping out,
Shrink I do into my own bones when she is on her prowls.

When she takes to avenge her feminine rights,
She kicks through words and her voice thunders,
I like a wet squirrel in the stormy downpour,
Hide myself in her shade to cover my blunders.

Disclaimer: This poem is meant to tease my wife and has not even an iota of truth. My wife, as one can see, is an angel.


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