Bambi begins to crawl
Well, these worries are beside the point. Life has become an enormous joy since her birth. My home has witnessed festivities unlimited ever since God gifted us this precious child. Now she looks into our eyes, knows we are hers and smiles, which floors us. She reaches out to my nose and eyes and explores the curvatures of my face with her little fingers and palm, and it feels heavenly. She giggles with her toothless mouth wide open showing her pink gums when I make faces. She begins to sing along when Supriya and I sign worship songs. She looks into the newspaper and appears to read it with full comprehension, and then in a moment, picks and beats the paper to near pulp. She is equally fascinated by the music of her pull-string cow toy every time it is played. And she stops crying even if she is hungry when she hears the sound of milk being mixed in her tumbler.I can’t fathom the mysteries of life and the way God has designed birth and growth of children. But for making me able to cope up with the challenges associated with a baby at home while reaping all the pleasures she brings, I must praise and thank Him.
Praise God honey...I too share the same joy with you!
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