Sunday, August 28, 2005

Brainwave at Work

Stumbled over this image on the internet and was forced to think of how good it would be for work! Hey, that's true. I, for one, have done so much contemplation and so much precision engineering while on the "hot seat" that I can vouch for the success of this scheme. You sit there, relax all your muscles and let free flow. That is amazing relaxation. Ask someone who enjoys newspapers or magazines or research journals or the likes everyday in the morning. I can bet that the same person would not get as much out of reading the same stuff sitting anywhere else.

Natural thinkers feel at home there. And giving them such comforts at work can get really the best out of them.

And then, it may save costs too. I don't think it will be considered pallatable to have coffee while you excrete. Hence, you are less likely to drink as many cups of coffee and compete with Wally, Dilbert's coffee-philic workmate. And your employer is likely to witness a surge in the margins and you may end up getting bonus for relaxing on the hot-wet-cool-warm-cosy seat.

There is another advantage. Your nose-poking pointy haired boss will not unseat you too often. Bosses don't like being in soups. So, you are your own boss. Finish your work, wipe your bottom and go, dump the work at your boss. No micro-management anymore.

What say you?


At 7:20 AM, Blogger Dipesh Dipu said...

When I say "dump your work on your boss" I don't mean that what you just thought of. You filthy mind!


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