Friday, November 06, 2009

God bless Zambia

In God’s own land of Zambia,
I feel His presence all around,
And I am strengthened in His people.

For they are blessed with His peace,
For they honor Him indeed,
They love my Lord in word and in deed.

And rejoice they in the joy that He alone can give,
Among the hardships of life and in its chores,
My brothers here have hope in Jesus.

His covenant for eternity fills them to the brim,
Blessed are these souls who serve the Lord,
For they are humble to the core.

May showers of mercy and grace fall on them,
And quench their thirst with living waters from heaven,
May my Lord be their ruler and Zambia be His kingdom forever.
(The tree in the picture is from the Southern Province of Zambia where slave trades used to happen not many years ago. A reminder of how cruelly humans can treat their own kind.)


At 12:27 AM, Blogger Priscilla said...

Praise God!

Beautiful poem, Dipesh!

People of Zambia are truly blessed for they serve the Lord God Almighty and have made it their priority to live their lives based on His Word, the Bible.

The hardships they face today are no match for the riches they would possess when all of us will live together as His children praising Him in His Kingdom.


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