Friday, November 06, 2009

Days in far off land

When the sun kisses the curtains of the window,
I sense the soothing touch of your palm on my cheeks.
When the gust of moist wind gushes in through the panes,
I hear your wet lips humming songs of love in my ears.

From the balcony I witness the green trees lazily swinging,
And realize hazily our rubbing arms sitting by the lotus pond.
When birds flock together, fly and soar high in the sky chirping,
I remember our family in merriment by the secret lake.

Late in the afternoon when a father walks his kids home,
I feel the tight grip of tiny hand of our angel around my finger.
When the dark heavy clouds float hastily for the horizon,
My heart longs for a flight home into the arms of my wife.
(The picture is from the lobby of Hotel Humpi in Hyderabad.)


At 8:02 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

We are all longing to be with you Sona...

At 6:51 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


Is it true that i can get money from missionaries if i convert to Christianity.I am bankrupt and need money urgently.I am told these missionaries are cash rich and give money to those who convert.
Please help me in solving my financial problem.


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