Wednesday, August 31, 2005

The First Snap

The first photograph that Supriya, now my wife, had given me! It still has the same utility as it had that makes me long for her so much. I can remember the road divider just outside the Lotus Pond in Jubillee Hills Hyderabad, where we sat, chatting, hand in hand. That was way back in the winters of 2001. Seems like ages now when I assess where and how we have reached to the stage of being husband and wife. This snap has given me company through all these days. When she had given me this photograph, and I had given mine in exchange, it was a kind of parting gift to each other. We had thought that we would never meet again. The differences in religion and culture seemed unsurmountable, and both of us were more or less convinced that our relationship was not going to work out. And besides the differences, as Supriya insisted, we had hardly known each other. I was not ready to buy that since we had been so close and we had felt so strongly about each other and that we were sitting in an isolated place cuddled just our second meeting. We had something more than just two meetings to go for, there was something more than what was comprehensible, and I was certain about that. The common sense however indicated something contrasting. And we both decided to bow out.

But I knew that we would get back to each other. And how right I was. It took sometime and a lot of efforts from our sides ...which I plan to write a book about. Keep this blog bookmarked, you will find it here, someday!

Sunday, August 28, 2005

Little Bit of Indian Airlines in My Life

I never used to notice aircrafts as much as I do now. Planes were horrific to travel by whenever I used to think of traveling. Even now when the jet begins hurtling at supersonic speeds on the runway I get jittery. And Air Deccan ATR flights? Good Heavens. Every swing you take, every float you make, you promise to yourself that you will never ever board another flight. But when do we fulfill promises, even those we make to ourselves?

Now and earlier too, since my wife joined Indian Airlines, I have always noticed anything and everything about aircrafts and airlines. There is a little bit of IA still in my blood even though Supriya has resigned. Every flight seems to carry my wife and I envy every passanger on board. My imaginations take a flight everytime I see an aircraft fly.

Such is the spiritual bonding of the institution of marriage!

Brainwave at Work

Stumbled over this image on the internet and was forced to think of how good it would be for work! Hey, that's true. I, for one, have done so much contemplation and so much precision engineering while on the "hot seat" that I can vouch for the success of this scheme. You sit there, relax all your muscles and let free flow. That is amazing relaxation. Ask someone who enjoys newspapers or magazines or research journals or the likes everyday in the morning. I can bet that the same person would not get as much out of reading the same stuff sitting anywhere else.

Natural thinkers feel at home there. And giving them such comforts at work can get really the best out of them.

And then, it may save costs too. I don't think it will be considered pallatable to have coffee while you excrete. Hence, you are less likely to drink as many cups of coffee and compete with Wally, Dilbert's coffee-philic workmate. And your employer is likely to witness a surge in the margins and you may end up getting bonus for relaxing on the hot-wet-cool-warm-cosy seat.

There is another advantage. Your nose-poking pointy haired boss will not unseat you too often. Bosses don't like being in soups. So, you are your own boss. Finish your work, wipe your bottom and go, dump the work at your boss. No micro-management anymore.

What say you?

Friday, August 26, 2005

The Day Begins

Almond shaped eyes and cascading raven hair,
Voluptuous curves crooning rustic love song,
Melting chocolate of desires churning within,
Dream laden snow flakes like touch that ignite fire,
Alluring mystique smile that fish out life divine,
I wake up to her aura that envelopes my world.

Holy drop of dew half way down her back,
That set off its journey from the dark wet hair,
And the mist on the silk of her meaty legs,
And the strawberry steam rising from her bosom,
I wake up to the Mediterranean surfs frothing on me.

Cooing alpine wind that she gusts in my ear,
That flag off a quiver into head through the spine,
Mischievous invite through her fullness in my lap,
That she prizes me with her tropical cuckoo like songs,
And I wake up to warmth of blessings of God.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

My Wife Kicks and Bangs

My wife paunces and roars at meekly me,
And enjoys the most her claws in my butt game,
Her deep eyes of fire will go narrow or wide,
Intimidate they me as she knows how to tame.

She prods in her herd of royals in her empire,
With me tied to her tail that I wag with,
And like a cat doing the dead mouse disco,
She pops in air my heart to spend her leisure with.

In typical cowboy movie style she rattles her gun,
And meow I do in the raining canon balls,
With tail between the legs and tongue dropping out,
Shrink I do into my own bones when she is on her prowls.

When she takes to avenge her feminine rights,
She kicks through words and her voice thunders,
I like a wet squirrel in the stormy downpour,
Hide myself in her shade to cover my blunders.

Disclaimer: This poem is meant to tease my wife and has not even an iota of truth. My wife, as one can see, is an angel.

Monday, August 22, 2005

Four Noble Truths of Life

With every passing day in life, I realise more and more how true these preachings of Lord Buddha are:

1. Life is suffering;

2. Suffering is due to attachment;

3. Attachment can be overcome;

4. There is a path for accomplishing this.

Need I learn more?

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Prayer for September 11

When the horns of demon pierce through the human hearts,
And the pious blood oozes out crying,
And when the cruel claws of the crooked,
Grip tightly the neck of the innocence and strangulate,
Let us be strong to preserve our values and faith.

When the ruthless pursuit of the bloodthirsty knock out souls,
And pose a threat to the very existence of our species,
And when lengthening shadows of death loom large,
That engulf all into the gloom of the dark,
Let there be light of courage for us to march on.

When the beasts within us strike hard at our foundation,
And initiate demolition of towering heights,
And when terror explode within our vicinities,
That shatter the walls, sills and window panes,
Let construction begin and rest not till it reaches eternities.

When the tempest rise with soaring waves that rock the ship,
And bow and stern play the seesaw and anchors lose ground,
And when the storms pierce through the mast,
That leave the souls shattered and battered,
Let the rowing arms marvel to cast the ship ashore.

Let those who lost their precious lives live within our hearts,
And watch the victory of the good over the evil,
Let the fire of hatred be quenched by wisdom of peace,
And let there be freedom of life without fear overcast,
And there be celebrations of the magnificence of our lives.

Thursday, August 18, 2005

What Has She Done to Me?

My wife is such a cute litte kid. I love her so much and miss her so much as I am away in Kuwait and she is toiling back in India. As a matter of fact, I never knew I could love anyone like this. I never knew I had so much of love within me.

Even before our marriage we had a long courtship of about three and a half years. And most of that was spent living far away from each other, with just the phone lines connecting our hearts. The same exists even now. The way our love grew has not been any different from what we have today. Does that indicate that I will fall more and more in her love? What more could it be though? I feel her in my pulses, in my nerves, in my vision and in my living. Now where to?

When I talk to her my spines get the electrifying sensation. When she calls out my name, I get the sweetness of honey in my ears. When I write a kiss in my e-mails to her, I sense my lips circle and tongue tweek. When I write this blog about her, I can sense the wetness of my love in my eyes. How more can I love?

My wife is a sweetheart. I call her God's own Daughter, which she aptly deserves to be called. I love the way she loves me. I love the way she is. Her smiles make my day, he sight cause the dawn and her hair the dusk. She is God's greatest gift to me.

Sunday, August 14, 2005

Feel Like A King

I feel like the king today,
The chains are broken,
That kept me trapped within me,
The aspirations that kept me perspiring,
Some seem within reach and others forgettable,
The reckless maddening crowd that followed me,
Lost that are in their own confusions,
The child within me, who was always constrained,
Knows now the extent of eternity and the self.
Sense I can the power to control myself,
The freedom from the anxieties,
And the burden to prove a point or two,
And the faith to be faithful to my own soul,
Make me feel like the king today.