Shanbhag's Dosas

.....These words are Supriya's.... Perfect example of the extent of outsourcing! I love the way she writes, very straight and very factual, and yet so very artistic. Go on.....
I would say people missed the delicacy, if they did not taste the dosa at Shanbhag if they visited Hyderabad. When Dipu had visited Hyderabad in September2005, I had taken him to Shanbhag. I am an ardent lover of Dosas and more so if it is of Shanbhag’s. Right from my childhood, I used to frequent this place along with my Sister and Mum. My Mum calls me “Dosa Ramudu” because I can hog on as many as 7 dosas at a stretch. I just love it. And I remember the times when I used to fall sick, my Mum used to go all the way to Shanbhag to get Dosa for me, and that used to cure me, or at least used make me feel so.
I just relish the very taste of it or rather the very thought of having a dosa. After I met Dipu, I told him about this passion of mine. And he too loves Dosas and there we are again a perfect fit. One day when I had come to Hyderabad on a flight, I had called up Dipesh from the airport. He told me that he would come to the hotel to meet me and then go to office. And he also told me not to have breakfast till he came. I wondered why he had to say that specifically, because I would in any case wait for him. And when he came to my room, I got the answer… he had got dosa packed from Shanbhag and got it for me. Those little things give me an immense pleasure even now, when I recollect them. It shows how much he loves me.
..........Hey, its me now. In the pictures above, you will find an ecstatic me with the conical plain dosa, and my wife in front of the resturant. She is so fascniated by these dosas that sometime ago, she was contemplating marrying the owner's son! You got to taste the dosas. The crispy cover with the fried potatos and onions, with groundnut and coconut chutneys to accompany, you'll love it.
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