Nefertiti - The Queen of Beauty

In my last post, I talked about my desire to visit the Pyramids. And I remember coming across one news item about Queen Nefertiti. A look at image of her statue now located in Berlin proved why she is held in such high regard.
Queen Nefertiti's identity remains somewhat of a mystery. It is believed that Nefertiti was the wife of the Pharoah Akhenaton, one of the greatest rulers in the history of Egypt. He was the first to promote the worship of a single God; Aten, the sun god.
Nerfititi had a great love for her husband and much of the artwork of the two shows them in affectionate poses. This picture as well reflects her compassionate heart and her magnanimity.
Nefertiti was known throughout the ancient world for her outstanding beauty and her name loosely translates to “The beautiful woman has come.”
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