Tuesday, September 02, 2008

My babies

Parenting is no mean job. Supriya is carrying and we expect our baby to be born by mid of March 2009. That would be our first biological child, although in Chetu we have our first real baby already. She has been a blessing to us through her presence in our thicks and thins for the last decade. She is Supriya's batchmate from her business school and she works with me. It's been a joy to know her. We are both very proud of her and we feel she has accomplished a lot in her career already. She has expertise in the utilities sector which very few people in India can boast of. And at the same time, she has been humble and has always served the Firm wholeheartedly. That's indeed very much like my child.

Well, going back to parenting, we have been reading a lot of books which talk of how effective parenting begins right from the formation of baby in mother's womb. All these have gone on to short of intimidate us. And like always, we revert to our God for His counsel and His mercies and grace. We pray that He will sanctify our seed and take care of the baby as He has done for us.

With Chetu it has always been easy, she heeds to our advice with almost no protest. We don't have much to advise her is another part of the story. She is a parents' delight and I really can not ascribe that to my genes. We hope that she gets the best from life, that she fully deserves. May my babies prosper and delight everyone around them. And may God's blessings flow through them abundantly and bring forth light to the world.

(The picture is from Sailu's marriage. Sailu is another lovely friend of my wife.)


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