Sunday, February 21, 2010

Bam learns to walk!

That was last week, on the 12th February 2010 to be precise, when Bambi lifted herself from the mat on the ground and took first and then three more steps. And on 14th February, she walked closed to ten steps from that far off to the bedside. And to our joyous shouts of praise for the Lord, she lifted her left hand high as she always does. That action of her caused my thus only misty eyes to ooze a few drops of joy.

14th was also her eleventh-month birthday and as was the custom, Dolly made a card for Bambi. Bam played with the card for the whole day. She had not been doing well for the last couple of days and we had been to the doctors a few times when Bam was in agony. She had recovered to a great extent before she did her feat, or should I say, her feet!

Prashanth, one of my friends from IIMC program, had once mentioned that he had skipped one of his sales strategy meets at some exotic foreign location to witness his baby's first steps and he had mentioned what a joy it was for him. I felt the same. A mixed feeling of love, pride, accomplishment, surprise and so many more kinds. Well, those should have belonged to Bam as she did it all, but as father and mother, we realize how great it was to see our baby that we held on our palm not-so-many-moons ago now finding her own feet. Praise indeed be to the Lord for this beautiful moment in our lives.

(The picture is of the same.)


At 10:13 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Praise be to the Lord! May the Lord help Bambi to walk in His path.

At 3:48 AM, Blogger Unknown said...

Well if you thought managing Bam was a challenge till now..then you have not seen anything yet :) have fun chasing her around the house. But fun apart, really cute pic :) good to know she is already getting to know her veggies!!



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